Saturday morning we set out nice and early, well by 8:30 anyway, to complete the journey to Stourport. This morning I walked the dogs leaving Graham in charge of the boat as he tweaked his back getting the anchor out yesterday and didn't want to aggravate it. I had to walk through Cookley Tunnel, only 65 yards long, but I am a bit of a wimp about tunnels. Managed to do it without too much fuss though as it wasn't long enough to be properly dark.
Approaching Cookley Tunnel. The houses are on top of the tunnel. |
There are a lot of sandstone cliffs along this stretch! |
Passed through Kidderminster on the way where we stopped at the large Sainsburys canal side. we also passed an equally large Tesco a bit further on. Sainsburys won though as it was the first one we came to and plenty of mooring outside. After doing the food shop we had a coffee and carried on through Kidderminster Lock.
Kidderminster Church |
Arrived at Stourport at around 2:00pm and after eating lunch went to Limekiln to buy a longer length of mooring rope ready for use in the large locks along the Severn. Then went for a walk around the historic canal basins and along the Severn. A lovely warm and sunny afternoon and lots of people around. We will be staying here until Monday morning when we will lock down onto the Severn, through the staircase locks and continue downstream to Worcester where we plan on mooring overnight before completing the trip to Gloucester on Tuesday. Mind you I am a bit worried about the weather as after several days of beautiful sunshine, rain has been forecast. This is not good given our previous experience of rain and rivers!
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